Have you ever found yourself wondering, why does my dog:

  • hate the mailman?

  • listen to me at home but not the park?

  • jump up on me?

  • have separation anxiety?

  • not like other dogs?

  • get car sick?

  • follow me everywhere?

  • have trouble settling down?

  • go crazy after bath time?

  • not like to swim?

  • shake off when he’s not wet and yawn when he’s not tired?

Are dogs more like their wolf ancestors or us humans? Dog behavior can be funny, puzzling, and even gross at times. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering what your dog is thinking, then this class is for you. The format is intended to be educational, yet fun. We will address broader concepts of modern dog behavior and answer your individual questions. The insights from this class can also be used to help inform the training you do with your dog. While dogs are not permitted in the class, we encourage you to come with a brief description of your dog and his/her traits that you find the most bewildering.