Join the Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute (TNACI) along with Wildlife conservationist and Emmy Award-winning TV host, Jeff Corwin for a special premiere screening of Galapagos 3D: Nature's Wonderland at the IMAX Theater. Galapagos 3D: Nature's Wonderland takes audiences to a paradise unlike any other. Located close to the equator in the Pacific Ocean, these remote volcanic islands have developed over millions of years in relative isolation. The result is a living museum of nature, with an abundance of curious plant and animal species that have adapted to thrive in this unique and challenging environment. Giant half-ton tortoises lumber among dancing blue-footed boobies and flightless cormorants. Penguins living thousands of miles from their natural habitats share the seas with unique marine iguanas that spit sea-salt. This is a story of discovery, of survival against the odds, and of nature's ingenuity.

As one of the leading voices for the conservation of endangered species and ecosystems around the world, Jeff Corwin has been a tireless environmental advocate for more than 20 years. Corwin began his work in conservation at an early age, spending much of his youth exploring tropical rain forests and advocating for their protection. He holds B.S. degrees in biology and anthropology, further developing his expertise in tropical ecology while completing his graduate work studying bats and snakes.

Jeff Corwin will introduce the Galapagos 3D: Nature's Wonderland at 6:00 p.m. After the screening, he will entertain questions about his experiences in the Galapagos and his efforts to study and protect wildlife around the world. Corwin's appearance helps support TNACI's freshwater conservation initiatives.