Covenant College continues their 2013-14 theatre season with On the Verge (or, The Geography of Yearning) by celebrated writer Eric Overmyer. The show follows three intrepid female Victorian explorers as they travel through Terra Incognita (and eventually time!) brandishing parasols, machetes and rotary egg beaters, and making astonishing, anachronistic discoveries all along the way. Traversing wide expanses of exotic terrain, they encounter such indigenous persons as a yeti, a German-accented cannibal, a rapping leather-jacketed gorge troll, and mystery man Mr. Coffee.

On the Verge opens with a preview performance February 13 at 8 pm, the ticket price at $5 for adults, $3 students and seniors. Show dates run February 14, 15, and 21 at 8 pm, and then February 22 at 2:30 pm. Tickets are $7 for adults, $5 seniors and students, and will go on sale February 3. Reservations can be made by either calling 706.419.1051 or by email at: The show will be held in the Sanderson Auditorium at Covenant College.