Produced by Lora Ogden and directed by Greg Jackson, with Musical direction by Heidi Martin, The Colonnade Players will present “Once Upon a Mattress”. This family-friendly adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, “The Princess and the Pea”, is a musical comedy that tells the story of Prince Dauntless, his domineering mother, Queen Aggravain, and his search for a Princess to marry. The Queen contests each would-be princess until she meets her match in Winnifred. Come see this charming, fanciful show to see just how Winnifred manages to win the prince. “Once Upon a Mattress” is family-friendly and has very lively, choreographed musical numbers with a cast of 30 and a live orchestra. The amazing costumes are all hand-made by a team of volunteer seamstresses.
Winnifred is played by Savannah Folks, Prince Dauntless is played by Mitchell Wooten, and Queen Aggravain is played by Kristie McCarthy.
Performance Dates: June 14, 15, 21, 22 @ 7:30 pm and Matinee on June 22 @ 1pm; Interpreted for the deaf on June 15 @ 7:30pm