“Cooking on the Rooftop: Summer Food Series” is a new program at the Creative Discovery Museum, sponsored in part by 212 Market Restaurant. This exciting event promotes healthy food choices by using the freshest, local ingredients while showing children and adults how simple healthy menus can be. Chef Nick from 212 Market will be on-site to demonstrate how different meals are prepared by including produce and fresh herbs straight from the Creative Discovery Museum’s Rooftop Garden into his culinary creations. Guests will have the opportunity to sample the food, including grilled pizzas, salads, and natural fruit-based desserts.

“Cooking on the Rooftop is a great way to show how simple preparing local, seasonal ingredients can be when designing healthy menus,” said Liza Blair, Arts Manager for the Creative Discovery Museum. “Best of all, children and adults will be able to taste all the wonderful meals while learning how to prepare the same dish at home. “Cooking on the Rooftop” will be featured on June 11, July 9, and August 13 at 12 p.m. at the Creative Discovery Museum. The program is free with paid admission into the Museum.

212 Market Restaurant is Chattanooga’s only green and solar-powered restaurant. 212 is a proud supporter of the “slow food” movement and is committed to working with local farmers and ranchers to provide high quality produce, eggs, fresh water fish, and flowers.

“Cooking on the Rooftop” is a part of the Creative Discovery Museum’s Arts Live Program funded by the Allied Arts of Greater Chattanooga and the Tennessee Arts Commission.