Lois Mailou Jones lived a life of vibrant color and infused her portraits with that vibrancy. Join the Hunter and Townsend Atelier's Stan Townsend for a figure drawing/portraiture workshop in full color. Let the patterns and fresh color of Jones' paintings and textiles come through your own exploration of the figure. Students will work from a live clothed model with plenty of hands-on instruction, critique and demos by Stan. All levels are welcome.
Students will be working with colored pencils on paper. Please bring your own materials, however some materials can be provided upon request.
The Gallery talk will be lead by Curator of Education, Adera Causey. Stan Townsend is co-owner of Townsend Atelier located in the heart of the Main Street art district. He has been an an art instructor and artist for over 30 years. Visit Townsend Atelier.