The Nutcracker Christmas Carol, the fun-filled, family-oriented musical comedy, returns to Chattanooga State for two weekends. This “Christmas classic” (as one reviewer called it) is a lighthearted spoof of all the holiday stories packed into one joyful hour – complete with Charles Dickens, Ebenezer Scrooge, Dr. Stahlbaum, Herr Drosselmeyer, Fritz, Clara, and Little Cindy Lou Who.
When asked how the show came to be, author Rex Knowles explained, “In 1990 there were five ballet companies presenting ‘The Nutcracker Suite’ and three theatre companies presenting ‘A Christmas Carol’ in the Chattanooga area. I didn’t know which one to go to as I had friends in all of them. In jest, I wondered if it would be possible to combine both shows so I would only have to go out one evening and thus have more time to shop and drink hot chocolate. I sat down and wrote the first draft of ‘The Nutcracker Christmas Carol’. Since that early incarnation, I have revised the story and, with Sherry Landrum and Allan Ledford, have added eight original holiday songs.” Knowles added, “I did get to see three of the shows that year, and they were wonderful!”
Director Sherry Landrum continues, “We created this performance as a good-natured spoof of all the great Christmas stories rolled into one – especially The Nutcracker Ballet and A Christmas Carol. We gave Charles Dickens credit for all of it. It was a lighthearted joke. But as we worked, we realized how much all Christmas stories owe to A Christmas Carol - Dickens’ great story of human transformation and redemption. The theme of Scrooge, the penurious tyrant and his worker Bob Cratchit, the thoroughly good human being who works hard and loves his family, resonates throughout. The Grinch steals Christmas from Whoville and Cindy-Lou Who in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Mr. Potter takes Bedford Falls from George Bailey and fellow town members in It’s A Wonderful Life. Fred Gailey fights the psychologist, Mr. Shelhamer to protect the name of Santa Clause in Miracle on 34th Street. The innocence of childhood in the archetype of Tiny Tim runs through all as well in the characters of Little Cindy-Lou Who, George Bailey’s children, and young Susan Walker. It’s A Wonderful Life even brings in a ghost, Clarence Oddbody, who gives George Bailey the chance to see the future and realize that goodness is its own reward.”
The Nutcracker Christmas Carol was written by Rex Knowles with music by Sherry Landrum, Allan Ledford, and Knowles. Directed by Sherry Landrum and choreographed by Lindsay Fussell. Allan Ledford is Musical Director. The cast includes Jeffrey Parker as Charles Dickens, Rex Knowles as Ebenezer Scrooge, John Thomas Cecil in the dual roles of Bob Cratchit and the wealthy Dr. Stahlbaum, Maria Sager in the dual roles of Caroline Cratchit and Clara Stahlbaum, and Eric Phillips as both Tiny-Tim and Fritz Stahlbaum. Other cast members include: Fionna Battersby, Maggie Bradshaw, Chris Defore, Stan Furlow, Lindsay Fussell, Jennelle Gilreath, Amy Henrichs, Karley Moon, Roman Penney, Brenda Schwab, and Jeremy Wilkins.
The matinee performance on Sunday, December 19 will feature real time captioning for the deaf and hard of hearing and a reception for the cast after the performance.