Ever dream of sleeping alongside sharks and lots of colorful fish? Now's your chance to sleep in the deep and celebrate the Fourth of July as you watch the Pops in the Park fireworks from the Aquarium lawn.

Your night of adventure takes you around the world inside River and Ocean Journey as you explore behind the scenes with our staff, get up-close critter encounters and do all the fun stuff sleepovers are known for. At lights out, you'll bed down in River Journey adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico exhibit, while your finny friends swim near you.

Includes overnight, guided tours, special activities, pizza and continental breakfast. You can add a souvenir patch for $3.50 Please call (423) 785-4049 to order if you don't order with this reservation.

Families with children ages 6 and older accompanied by an adult
$45/Member; $55/Non-Member
Minimum of 30; maximum of 40