Look up to see what (or more accurately who) will be falling from the ceiling at Creative Discovery Museum on Monday, February 15th. Grounded High, Chattanoogas premiere aerialists group, will demonstrate the artistic beauty and physical dynamics of aerial dance in the Museums Atrium at 11:30 a.m. This show is a public preview of the much-anticipated performance Grounded High will present to guests of AmuseUm, the Museums annual fundraiser for adults that benefits kids.
Grounded Highs performance on Monday will include drops from 20 feet on a silk that is suspended from a supporting beam that runs across the ceiling in the Museums Atrium. The aerial performance will be set to music and will display the artists strength, agility, and mobility as she entwines, unwraps, and drops with amazing fluidity along the silk.
There is a natural playfulness and fun associated with hanging, climbing and creating, comments Amy Powell, founder of Grounded High and Director of Chattanooga Aerials. Thats usually what children connect with the most about aerials. There is something almost ingrained in us about the joy and satisfaction of hanging and swinging.
The Museum hosts artists who not only captivate audiences, but also introduce children and families to a variety of artistic expressions. Guests are invited to see how aerial dance is both beneficial as an art form and promotes healthy activity, which is a major component of the Museums featured exhibit, Good For You: Healthy Fun on the Run.
People who consider themselves to be "not creative" and who would otherwise not seek out a form of dance as an activity, flock to the aerial dance studio because of the playful exercise and fun it promises to provide, stated Ms. Powell.
The February 15th preview performance by Grounded High is free with paid admission to the Museum. For more information about this performance, call (423) 648-6054. To learn more about Grounded High, visit www.chattanoogaaerials.com.
For more information, pricing, or to make reservations for the AmuseUm event on March 6th, call (423) 648-6085 or visit the Museum website at www.amuse-um.org.