The Mutt Strut is a dog- and family-friendly event for all two- and four- legged participants on Saturday, December 5th.
This event coincides with the Main x 24 Christmas celebration and the Downtown Starlight Parade and will consist of two walks to raise donations to benefit DoGood Chattanooga, an advocacy group of volunteers working with the city to promote responsible dog ownership and to open public areas to be more accessible to dogs.
All walkers are asked to donate at least $15 p/dog which includes admission into both the afternoon and evening Mutt Strut. The first 100 registered will receive a DoGood Chattanooga t-shirt. Everyone is asked to dress themselves and their pooch in festive Christmas attire! All participants are asked to bring necessary clean-up bags for the festivities in order to keep with the DoGood philosophy of responsible dog ownership. Also, we will gladly accept any unwanted grocery bags that people would like to donate in order to replenish the doggie clean up stations in Ross Landing.
Afternoon Parade: Mainx24 Celebration
Registration will take place from 9:00 am to 10:30 am at the Chattanooga Choo Choo hotel with a Yappy Hour, festive K-9 costumes and tasty $1 hot chocolate.
At 10:30, all walkers will line up to begin the Mutt Strut from the Choo Choo Hotel to Rossville Avenue for the Main x 24 Christmas Parade.
At 11:00 all owners and their festively dressed K-9s will walk together in the Main x 24 Christmas parade and participate in the Christmas celebration. Following the parade Mutt Strut participants are welcome to visit the Church on Main Street for free photos with Santa Paws.
Evening Parade: Starlight Parade
Registration will take place from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm at the Chattanooga Choo Choo hotel with a Yappy Hour, festive K-9 costumes and tasty $1 hot chocolate.
At 5:30, all walkers will line up to begin the Mutt Strut from the Choo Choo Hotel to the Market Street area for the Starlight Christmas Parade.
At 6:00 all owners and their festively dressed K-9s will walk together in the Starlight Christmas parade and participate in the Christmas celebration.