Comedian Michael Jr. is gearing up to entertain and amuse the Christian community in the Scenic City with his comedy show entitled The Road Less Travel on Saturday, August 8 at 7 pm at the Tivoli Theatre.
Michael Jr. is one of the most well traveled and in demand Christian funnymen. He has performed on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Comedy Central, BET Comic View, Jimmy Kimmel, as well as countless numbers of theatres, churches, comedy clubs and colleges across the country over the past ten years. Working with renowned comedians such as Jerry Seinfeld, Michael Richards, and George Lopez, Michael Jr.’s comedy resonates with realness and humility. That coupled with his unique delivery makes Michael Jr.’s humor cross some many barriers encountered in today’s society --- from culture barriers to social barriers. Michael Jr. has been successful in his cross over appeal because of his unique writing style. He writes his material clean enough to work in a church and funny enough to work in a club.
Event goers will not only be entertained by Michael Jr. but also by five area pastors who have been selected to open up the comedy show with their favorite joke.
Tickets for The Road Less Traveled comedy show are $20 and can be purchased at the following locations:
Memorial Auditorium
399 McCallie Avenue
(423) 757-5156
Bear’s Barber Shop
3429 Alton Park Boulevard
(423) 265-2327
Mr. T’s Barber Shop
4270 Bonny Oaks Drive, Suite A
(423) 622-8415
Chattanooga News Chronicle
611 Martin Luther King Boulevard
(423) 267-2313
Proceeds from the comedy show will help to fund literacy programs offered by the Mary Walker Historical and Educational Foundation and the Bethlehem Center. For more information about the charity comedy show, call (423) 267-2313.