Fifteen artists from around the United States agreed to paint one to two works each using five common elements that included: ball of string, a moth, a bone, a glass of water and a mirror. The results--a medley of portraiture, still life painting and landscapes in a variety of media--are part of the unusual exhibition, "Object Project."
Organized by artists in conjunction with the Evansville Museum of Arts, History and Science, Indiana, the exhibition takes a look at how individuals perceive the creative process even while using similar objects in their works.
The artists come from a variety of backgrounds, but all share an interest in contemporary realism and are promienent painters in their fields. Despite using the same few objects at the starting point for their compositions, the works are about the distinctive vision of each of the featured artists. Painters included in the exhibition are Steven Assael, Michael Bergt, Debra Bermingham, Deborah Deichler, Scott Fraser, Rob Evans, F. Scott Hess, Robert C. Jackson, Janet Monafo, Pamela Sienna, Daniel Sprick, Skip Steinworth, Nancy Switzer, Jeff Uffelman and Will Wilson.
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