What does it mean to be an empowered man?
Our society desperately needs new visions of masculinity based on mutuality, compassion, and empowerment. In this workshop, we’ll discuss the dominant cultural landscape of masculinity and closely examine how masculinity shapes thoughts and behaviors through reflective writing activities and discussion.
A workshop open to all.
About the Teacher:
Adam Hudson M.A. is a professional educator and Integral Life Coach. Adam has been educating the past 9 years in diverse areas that include China, San Francisco, and Chattanooga. He has been enlarging his professional service as an Integral Life Coach over the past 2 years. His Integral Coaching centers on helping his clients overcome cycles of harm by empowering spiritual fitness. Adam has two M.A.'s from the San Francisco based school, CIIS.org in Consciousness & Transformation and completed his third Master's degree in Education at UTC this year.