This generative workshop is designed to help writers develop new poems. Writing begets more writing and the most important thing a writer seeking success can do is to write at every opportunity.
In this class, we will begin by reading a few exemplary poems and explore how the natural world inspires the creative impulse. If the smell of pine takes you back to your most recent hike in the woods, you have the makings of a poem. The instructor will point out the sonic qualities of the exemplary poems, including rhythm, rhyme, and free verse. We will look at examples of free verse poetry and simple forms such as the cascade poem, etheree, internal rhyme scheme, rhyming stanzas, and others, as time permits.
Participants will write poems and have a brief opportunity to share their work, and we will repeat this process as often as the available time allows.
About the teacher:
Ray Zimmerman has worked as a park ranger, a naturalist, and a guide in the tourism industry. He is past President of the Chattanooga Writers' Guild. he has published poetry, fiction, and journalism.