Are you tired of feeling stuck and uncertain about what’s next for you in your career and life? If you're ready to make a change and find fulfillment, this hands-on workshop is for you!
We’ll leverage tools from positive psychology and design thinking exercises from Standford’s famous Life Design labs to get you creatively thinking about how to make your next chapter a great one.
Here's a sneak peek of what you'll get out of this workshop:
Your Maker Mix: Get specific about what brings you fulfillment in your career and life, so that you can use what really matters as a guide for your future decisions.
Potential Life Paths: Map out three completely different alternative paths for your future so that you can compare all of your options.
Prototyping Action Plan: Create a step-by-step plan for exploring each path, so you can start making progress toward the changes you’re craving.
You’ll walk away from this workshop feeling energized, inspired, and empowered to take action toward designing your ideal future.
About the instructor:
Lydia Fogo Johnson, M.S., is a dual-certified life & career coach who helps burned-out professionals design a fulfilling career using evidence-based tools, positive psychology, and design thinking. Lydia has years of experience as both a coach and a global consultant who helps executives improve their employees’ work lives. She additionally has a master's degree in Industrial-Organizational psychology (essentially, the psychology of humans at work), an Executive Life Coaching Certification, a Designing Your Life Coaching Certification from the thought leaders at Stanford’s Life Design Labs, and a 200-hour Yoga Teacher certification.
You can read more about her, and her coaching practice, at or follow her on Instagram (