Black Rainbow Movement proudly presents The New Year's Ball, which marks the sixth installment in a series dedicated to introducing the rich cultural exchange of ballroom to the Tennessee Valley. Originating from the vibrant LGBTQ+ community in Harlem during the 1960s, Vogue ballroom is a testament to self-expression, creativity, and inclusivity. Its impact extends far beyond its origins, influencing dance, fashion, and identity.
The Categories and Prizes for The New Year's Ball are:
This category is all about selling the features of your face, from structure to teeth to makeup, serve it all to the judges.
Embrace your New York Fashion Week fantasy in this category. We want to see your stunning attire, but we're most excited to see you walk the runway with style.
Celebrate self-love and promote body positivity in this category. We're judging your confidence and how comfortable you feel in your own skin.
FATHER TIME'S BIZARRE..………….....$150.00
Unleash your creativity and unique aesthetics in this category, where the bizarre takes center stage. Take the concept of time and bring it to life.
This category is a homage to the art of Vogue, highlighting the five elements: catwalk, duckwalk, hand performance, floorwork, spins, and dips.
To participate, simply show up and sign up, and you could have a chance to shine in these incredible categories and embrace the spirit of Vogue ballroom!