In this hilarious adaptation of Harry Allard and James Marshall‘s beloved children’s book, Miss Nelson can’t control her crazy classroom because she’s just too nice. But when she disappears, her replacement is the hard-as-nails, detention-loving, recess-canceling, homework-overloading substitute teacher Viola Swamp. With the Big Test approaching, the kids suddenly realize how much they miss Miss Nelson, and they’ll do anything—including hiring a private eye—to solve the mystery of her disappearance and bring her back. (Appropriate for all ages)
“Miss Nelson Is Missing!” – A CTC Youth Theatre Production
This event date has passed.
Fri. May 12th, 2023
7pm – 8pm
- Location
- Chattanooga Theatre Centre
400 River Street
Chattanooga, TN (Map)
- Price
- $10-$12.50
- Online
- Website • Get Tickets
- Contact
- (423) 267-8534
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