“What if I run out of ideas?” is the deepest fear of many writers, but after this class, it doesn’t have to be. Even the smallest ideas can easily bloom into huge successes. After all, the great symphonies of history started with a few notes, and Middle Earth started with just a germ of an idea.

This workshop is about encouraging your creativity and providing you with tools that you can use any time you are feeling uninspired. The discussion will include an exciting mixture of instruction, games, and exercises designed to get your creative juices flowing. In this class, you will learn how your senses interact with the world around you and how those senses can influence creativity in different ways. As part of the writing exercises, you will learn to write from a simple smell, from a touch, from a picture, from a taste, from a sound, and from a memory.

This workshop is geared toward writers, but artists in many different kinds of media have found it beneficial.

This class in partnership with SoLit and The Chattery.

Please note: Masks are optional.

About the instructor:

Wesley Fulkerson is a recent transplant to Chattanooga from Southern California and is a writing teacher throughout the year for SoLit, a literary arts organization. He is the author of ten books, including the Starfall Trilogy, Writing With Purpose, and For Whom the Sun Sings. He is an award-winning screenwriter (Save My Seoul, 2017 – Jubilee Media), the former head screenwriter for Arbella Studios, and currently freelances for a number of Los Angeles-based production companies. He received a degree with honors in Marketing from USC’s prestigious Marshall School of Business (2012) and presents a powerful combination of creativity and pragmatism. Having started out as a self-publisher and later disseminating his work through traditional publishing, his is the epitome of the modern writer’s journey.