A free vegan/plant-based festival will take place on Sunday, April 3, 2022, from 11 am – 6 pm, at The Commons in Collegedale, 4950 Swinyar Drive, Collegedale, TN 37363. Local food vendors will sell vegan/plant-based products and health-related products. The festival will also feature breakout sessions and lectures on gardening and boosting immunity in the body. An interactive program for children will also take place, with special guest Rick Teepen, of the Creation Museum, providing a reptile show at 12 pm and 3 pm. The festival is free and open to the public and no registration is required. For more information, visit or contact Gabriel Mcclover at 423-397-6805 or gabriel@healthytaste.net. The event is sponsored by Healthy Taste, Inc, a nonprofit dedicated to introducing tasty plant-based foods to improve overall health by equipping and empowering individuals with resources needed to make lasting improvements in their lives.