Writers write to make sense of their thoughts and experiences. Those experiences do not have to be tidy or sterile, but of the mysteries and the whispers that have followed us all our lives.
This two hour workshop will help you discover your own “body" of writing and help you begin to experience your physical self as an endless creative well from which to draw amazing inspiration, regardless of your age, writing experience, or education background.
We will address the “The Eight Great Fears” that hinder people from creative expression. You will begin the journey of writing fearlessly.
About the instructor:
Kali Meister received a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, Tennessee and an MFA in creative writing from Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont. She is also an established writer, public speaker, academic and actress. Her writing has been featured in several lit reviews, newspapers and magazines including 34 Orchard, Caduceus, Pitkin Review, Low Explosions, and Knoxville Metro Pulse. She was the 2008-2009 John C. Hodges Writer in Residence for the University of Tennessee Knoxville Libraries.
She is the founder of She Wonder Production, a film production company that focuses on the female experience and narrative. Her short films have been selected for numerous regional film festivals including the Knoxville 54 Hour Film Festival, The Knoxville Film Festival, The Chattanooga Horror Film Festival and The Knoxville Horror Film Festival and have won awards for best screenplay, best performance, and best overall short film.