The first step on your self-development journey using the Enneagram is to discover your dominant type. While we can have characteristics of several different types, we only have one type that we identify the most with.
Once you discern your dominant type, you can begin using the Enneagram as a map. It uses wings and arrows to guide you in your growth. It shows you what you most need to pay attention to if you really want to grow as a person.
In this two-hour workshop, learn how to use the Enneagram as a map and a guide to growing out of your personality box. We’ll explore the wings, arrows, passions and virtues, and the role of self-observation in personal growth work.
If we stay fixated on our type and remain in our personality, we'll never grow into the people we were born to be. We’ll never rise above our ego and become our Big Self.
About the instructor:
Shelley Prevost is the Co-founder of Big Self School, a personal growth school that supports the mental and emotional wellbeing of leaders through coaching, workshops, books, a podcast, and the Enneagram. She is a licensed therapist, educational psychologist, and leadership coach. Shelley was previously the Director of Happiness and partner at Chattanooga-based VC firm, Lamp Post Group, and has also worked as a performance consultant and a startup CEO. After working as a business leader and startup executive for over 10 years, Shelley has returned to her roots in psychology and promoting self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and empathy in all their forms. She is currently enrolled in the Chestnut-Paes Enneagram Academy and is excited to integrate the Enneagram system in coaching and workshops. She has written about her work on purpose, relationships, workplace culture, and leadership in columns for Inc. and The Huffington Post. Her work has also appeared in Time, Yahoo Business, Fast Company, LifeHacker, and Business Insider. Passionate about helping women develop authentic leadership, Shelley gave a 2015 TEDx talk entitled "Lead Like a Girl."