Are you feeling completely depleted by your day job and want out but don’t know how? Do you have a dream business and secretly hope to be in it full time but have all the bills to pay? After years of working with people in the exact same boat, it all boils down to one thing: Not knowing the fundamental foundations of starting a business and making it profitable.

In this 90 minute masterclass you will learn:

  • The 4 MOST important things to know to leave your day job
  • 3 ways you’re holding yourself back from actually leaving
  • The first thing you can do right now to get started

About the instructor:

Liz Pessaran is a Licensed Therapist, International Life Coach and Speaker who helps women around the world let go of what they “should” do and embrace what they feel “connected to”. Ultimately thriving in their purpose. She helps women walk away from their unfilled jobs and lifestyles and step into their dream career and cultivate the life they always desired. With nearly a decade of counseling experience, Liz utilizes her unique skill set to guide women to tap into their deep soul so they can shatter the box of limited belief and embrace their inner magic. Liz has a Bachelors in Psychology, Masters in Counseling Psychology and is trained as a Life Coach with the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy. You can connect with Liz at her website and Instagram @lizpessaran. She recently made Chattanooga her home with her fiance and dog, loves nothing more than traveling to connect with beautiful people worldwide.