This class will introduce Dr. Paul Lam’s Tai Chi for Health program. Certified instructor June Puett will share warm up, six basic movements and cool down exercises suitable for any fitness level including seated. This slow, gentle form of Tai Chi is evidence based to reduce arthritis symptoms and prevent falls when practiced on a regular basis. Targeted for seniors, Tai Chi for health can help anyone reduce stress and improve balance. Tell your parent or a friend to attend virtually with you, for a relaxing, fun afternoon.
Wear sturdy shoes and comfortable clothes that provide room for movement. This program is similar to walking in terms of physical exertion. Participants will learn about Tai Chi resources if they want to continue the program.
All participants must sign a disclaimer to participate in this program. One will be sent to you upon sign up.
About the teacher:
June Puett is the Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent with the University of Tennessee Extension. With degrees in education and a passion for helping others learn, she reaches a variety of youth and adults on topics ranging from food preservation to fall prevention to money management and more! She likes getting her hands dirty and her feet wet.