Are you frustrated and feeling stuck in your career or experiencing a lackluster midlife? Maybe you ‘woke up’ in midlife – thinking “how the heck did that happen?!” Or maybe you worry that the best years of your life are over! Perhaps you’ve experienced a life shock, such as a bereavement, a soul destroying divorce or serious ill health.
Maybe you have been stuck in a career that diminishes you – you want out! You want to create a more meaningful life, doing what you were put on earth to do. You want to wake up in the morning and feel excited about your day. Rather than a sinking feeling of dread accompanied by thoughts of “This is not how I expected my life to be” or “I’m so unhappy”.
One thing is clear; what worked for you in the past no longer resonates now and you want more, and why not? You want to thrive in midlife but you’re lost, stuck and unclear on how to move forward in a more empowered way.
In this class, you’ll learn:
What the heck is life purpose anyway?
4 signs you are NOT aligned with your purpose.
3 ways you can start connecting to your life purpose TODAY!
And some extra sprinkles of magic too!
Upon signing up for this class, you’ll receive a PDF copy of the workbook to help you capture your insights during the interactive workshop.
About the instructor:
Liz Keates is an International Life Purpose & Spirituality Coach (living in London). A lifelong learner, nature lover, sound healer, world traveler, and mindfulness teacher who’s obsessed with helping midlife women create a second half of life that’s (even) better than the first! Through Life coaching services, writing and workshops, Liz helps midlife women who are frustrated and stuck in the wrong career and/or experiencing lack luster in midlife, by helping them to awaken their life purpose, so they can finally earn a living doing what they absolutely love. And live a more meaningful life doing what they were put on earth to do. Liz has a Master’s degree in Integrative Psychotherapy and worked as a counsellor and therapist for over 10 years. Liz is a Certified Beautiful You life coach. A cancer thriver, of almost 6 years. This ‘life shock’ led her to her passion of assisting midlife women around the world live lives full of passion, purpose, freedom!