The 'more perfect Union' that our founding fathers sought to establish never fully meant to include the voices (and votes) of, well, 'all men'. Not your typical Zoom call, this hour of interactive trivia promises laughs, shake your head moments, and facts on voting history in the United States that will blow your mind.
Access and participation in our democracy is immensely important, and Tennessee consistently ranks among the worst states for voter participation. That's why we're donating the funds raised from this course to support Civic TN, a nonpartisan nonprofit that seeks to ensure underrepresented voices in Tennessee have voice and influence in selecting their elected representatives.
About the teachers:
Cassie Nice and Nancy Schurr became fast friends as colleagues at Chattanooga State Community College (ChSCC). In her former role as High-Impact Practices Specialist at Chattanooga ChSCC, Cassie Nice worked closely with innovative faculty like American history professor, Dr. Nancy Schurr who is committed to making learning hands-on and engaging. Both women share a mutual love and admiration of the work of Presidential biographer Doris Kearns Goodwin.