Could you afford a $328,517 bill? Learn how to protect yourself.

In this class you will learn the three new methods for addressing long term care (LTC) -- a concern that will affect 70% of us. Needing long term care is something that requires a plan, oftentimes not just for the person needing care but often for the surviving family. Many a financial plan has been ruined by failing to plan effectively for this threat.

No products will be sold or marketed as this is a general knowledge and discussion-based session.

About the teachers:

Stuart Vaughn, owner of Insight Investments and Insurance, who has 20+ years of experience as a stockbroker, and insurance agent will lead this discussion. He is a native of Chattanooga. He is the father of boy girl twins, his wife works for Erlanger and they live on Signal Mountain with their two dogs and a horse.

Scott Patton owns Insight Investments & Insurance. He has 20+ years in the financial industry as a stockbroker and insurance agent. He is a native of Chattanooga. He and his wife live on Signal Mountain. His wife Susan works at SMMHS. They have three grown children, a cat named Pumpkin, and a black rabbit named Kylo Ren. He is an avid golfer.