Have you noticed the initial excitement of online learning has subsided?
We’ve zoomed until we’ve dropped, shared resources and tried new things. How can we stay engaged in this new era of education? Join veteran facilitator and coach, Susan Lambert for an online experience where you will discover nine tips to keep people involved in their learning journey. By the end of the session, you will be equipped with your own tools and tricks to successfully teach online.
About the teacher:
Susan Lambert is the Founder of Away 2 Be, a company focused on authentic personal, local and global experiences. With over ten years of facilitation experience, nearly a decade of classroom teaching and over fifteen years of intercultural immersion, Susan's background is rooted in business consulting, education and global competency. Susan has developed and facilitated workshops on Risk Management, Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership Development, Social Entrepreneurship, Global Citizenship and Education for Social Innovation, among other topics. She is trained in Brené Brown's "Dare to Lead" curriculum, Design Thinking, Project-Based Learning and certified by ReGenerations in Generational Competency. Susan is also a fluent Spanish speaker and interpreter. A partial list of Susan’s clients can be found here: