Now is the time to master your personal finances! This crash course will cover everything from budgeting, strategies to saving more, paying off debt and getting ready for retirement. We will also share our favorite tips on how to stay grounded and motivated as you work toward your goals.
About the teacher:
Rebecca Brooks is a professional Financial Coach and owner of the financial coaching business R&D Financial Coaching. For many years, Rebecca worked for businesses improving their sales, profits and outcomes but decided to change course and use her knowledge and skills to help individuals improve their quality of life. With a background in the outdoor industry she brings a laid back culture and a feminine touch to the personal finance world. She prioritizes work-life balance, living life on your terms and pursuing your passions over keeping up with the Jones’. Her goal is to educate and empower the women of Chattanooga to elevate their dreams, fulfill their goals and enrich their lives.
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