Since the disruption of cookie booths due to COVID-19, Girl Scouts of the Southern Appalachians (GSCSA) still has around 120,000 boxes on hand. Most of these cookies were in the cupboards ready to sell at cookie booths scheduled for the last two weeks of the sale. This number also includes more than 10,300 boxes (or $45,000 worth) of cookies GSCSA were able to take back from troops who were unable to sell their cookies due to COVID-19. While GSCSA will have an ongoing financial burden, it is important to them that no family has to experience financial hardship due to excess inventory.
With this in mind, drive-thru cookie booths are a way for GSCSA to sell their excess Girl Scout Cookie inventory. In the interest of girl safety, this “booth” will only be worked by adult volunteers. The sale will be outdoors, physical distancing guidelines will be followed, and masks will be worn by those working the booth.