In this free virtual Happy Hour, April Corbett of Upstate Mississippi will talk about memory keeping. Give your post-pandemic plans a boost by taking a little time to creatively look back on all of the memories you made while quarantined and safe at home. 2020 is certainly not what we expected it to be but it is proving to be something memorable. In this short 30-minute demo, pick up some quick creative ways to capture the stories that you will want to remember and tell for years to come.
Kaleena Goldsworthy of The Bitter Bottle will concoct a special cocktail recipe that will be sent out prior to the happy hour so everyone can enjoy the same drink as April teaches!
For the entire month of May, Venture Forward and The Chattery are partnering up to make your Thursday afternoons a little more enjoyable!
About April:
No one should be forced to fit into one box. April Corbett loves everything that she does and encourages others to find what they love and do it. She's an engineer, maker, planner designer, productivity guru and all around crafter. She's always looking for new projects and awesome places to take her engineering career. Follow April on Facebook here.
Registration for this event is through Venture Forward’s website. You do not have to be a member to attend!