Spring is here and we are all spending a lot of time in our homes, and more importantly-- with our houseplants. Spring is the perfect time to clean out the plants you have, get rid of the plants that didn't make it through the winter, repot the plants that are growing out of their grow-pots, and make some cuttings for propagation. From now until late October, your houseplants are in their growing season, and a good plant parent takes advantage of that. In this class, we will cover the process of cleaning your plants, best practices for fertilizing, doing a repot together, and taking cuttings to grow new plants to either add to your collection or give to friends.
About the teacher:
Kate Kronenberg is a born and raised Chattanoogan, community activist, and houseplant fanatic. She was raised by a botanist, and after starting with a couple plants in college, her plant collection has flourished to over 60 plants indoors, and a healthy obsession with outdoor landscaping as well.
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