Have you wanted to start a garden to grow your own fresh vegetables and herbs, but just didn’t know where to start? Are you overwhelmed by gardening zones, frost dates, and what type of soil you have?
This gardening class is perfect for you, the newbie gardener. This class will break down the steps to take you from novice to confident gardener, growing your own fresh vegetables this year. We will start with the basics such as how to determine how much sun your yard gets, choose the vegetables and herbs that will grow best in your yard, how to grow a variety of common vegetables and herbs, and how to care and harvest throughout the season.
We will discuss alternatives to a garden plot for smaller yards and apartments such as growing in containers, and raised beds. Don't let this year be another year of wishing you had started your own garden!
About the teacher:
Karen Creel is the owner of Gardenchick. She lives on 4 acres in Chickamauga where she Gardens, creates DIY projects with her “junk” finds, and raises a few hens. Bees will be added in April and the urban homestead will be complete! After purchasing handcrafted soap for years, she attended several classes and started making her own, selling at craft shows and on her Etsy site. Created with natural ingredients including oils, herbs, honey and beeswax, her products include soap, lip balms, lotion bars, and herbal salves. You can keep up with her projects, and receive gardening and urban homesteading tips on her blog www.Gardenchick.com