***Please Note: Due to the ever-evolving public health situation re: COVID-19, this workshop is now going to be offered virtually. Each registrant will be sent a video link via email to watch in the comfort of his/her own home. If you signed up before March 19th and do not want to participate in this virtual option, please email Melissa to request a refund. Email: mastin@crabtreefarms.org.
Class Description:
“Plants want to grow, and generally, a bit of mistreatment makes them stronger.”
Join Sara McIntyre, Crabtree’s dirt loving Executive Director, and Cindy Gregg, longtime Crabtree supporter, as they make vegetable gardening approachable. Participants will leave with reference materials (emailed to each participant), basic gardening knowledge (for in the ground and in containers), and newfound confidence.
For the over achievers, email Melissa (mastin@crabtreefarms.org) answers to the following questions:
- What veggies do I like to eat (so much that I want to grow them)?
- Where in my living space gets 6 or more hours of fairly direct sunlight during a day? (ex. deck, this half of my porch, that corner of the yard, etc) Note: This may mean spending most of a day outside (yay Vitamin D!) noting where the sunny spots are every hour or so. Don’t skip the morning – it’s the most important light to map!
Refund Policy: Refunds can be requested up to 7 days before the start of a workshop for a full refund. To request a refund, please email Melissa Astin at mastin@crabtreefarms.org. If you find that you can’t attend the workshop, but it is too late to request a refund, you are welcome to gift to the workshop to someone else.