In this open studio class, students will be able to choose an art lesson or project that fits their own interests. Students will be given descriptions of a variety of lesson plans/art projects from which to choose that are designed by the instructor. Lesson plans are tailored to all skill levels and interests and are created with the intent of improving the student’s skill as well as their creative expression. As students work privately on their chosen project (which will be created over a varied amount of sessions depending on what is chosen each time), Kristin will offer helpful, constructive critique and discussion.
With the set up of a semi-private lesson in a laid-back classroom environment, this class is the perfect supplement for teens who need extra art exposure and private instruction outside of school. The class meets after school on Thursdays twice a month. Sign up month to month, or register for multiple months to receive a discount.
- March 19 & 26 (just a few spots left)
- April 2 & 30
- May 7 & 14
Ages: 12-17
Instructor: Kristin Kendall
Max 10 students, register early as spots are first come first served.