Being seen in the harsh light of day can be scary! We’re afraid of being judged and even rejected.
But in order to spread our message and change the lives of others we need to step out of hiding.
It’s not as hard as you think and teacher Elisa Negroni going to be with you all the way. Because Elisa used to be right where you are, hiding in the shadow and afraid to share any part of her with the outside world.
No more! Now, Elisa is helping others like you.
Join with others who have the same anxieties as you. Support each other as you share your stories, speak the scary, find the funny, laugh (and cry) together as you push through your fears.
Claim your voice - touch the heart. You can do this!
About the teacher:
Elisa Negroni is a Transformational Catalyst and Life Illuminator. She is a Certified Holistic Coach as well as a Certified Relational Presence & Speaking Circle Facilitator. Elisa works with those whose voice has been silenced cultivate a safe space within to come out of the shadows and trust and share the truth of who they are. Having taken the journey out of her own shadow led her to the work she does now.