Do you have dreams and desires this year that you are inspired to reach for but you are putting off the valuable steps that can get you there? How many times have you caught yourself saying, “Oh, I will begin… tomorrow, next week, next month, when I have the time, when the kids are grown, when I have more money." or “I can’t do that. I’m not experienced enough, smart enough, able enough. What will people think, what if I fail?"
Why do we do this?
Let’s face it, we can get pretty crafty when it comes to avoiding taking the necessary actions steps in the direction of bringing our desires into authentic existence.
But what is under the beliefs and mindsets that block our success moments?
Fear… of the risk fear… of failing fear… of the unknown outcome
Self-doubt and a neglected sense of worthiness.
Lack of a bulletproof plan and resilient time management skills.
You get it...the list can go on and on. We may believe all of this procrastination is keeping us from the possibility of failure but in truth it is actually keeping us from our success.
In this empowering class you will learn how to:
Identify the ways in which you are procrastinating… are you Stuck, Spun or Stalled in your action steps?
Engage in tools of creative insight and experiential exercises formulated to awaken your emotional intelligence. Choose a new point of attraction. What you are thinking, feeling and believing is either supporting you or blocking you from what it is you want to achieve.
Cultivate intelligent solutions about how to overcome fears and barriers, even the ones you may not know exist because they have been hidden from your conscious view.
Discover how to create and actively follow a Measurable Results Action Plan guaranteed to inspire and motivate you into making your dreams and desires a reality.
Are you ready to Break the Barriers in 2020 and create a life well loved? If not now, when?
About the teacher:
Marlee Elaine is a motivational speaker, aspiring author and a certified Master Coach of Creative Clarity for Life, a personal development curriculum based on the famed Stanford University Master’s Degree course “Creativity in Business”. Marlee helps students get crystal clear in connecting to the unique talents, gifts and treasures of who they are and what they authentically want to create for their best life! She empowers her students with practical creative insight tools and proven emotional intelligence techniques to discover their next powerful chapter in their lives. Marlee currently leads workshops for adults and teens in the Chattanooga area as well as offering an online curriculum. In 2020 she is launching programs designed to empower teen girls with intelligent life strategies along with “Wild Heart Woman! Celebrate your Worth”, an 8 week transformational journey inspiring woman to know their true power in creating the kind of life they love!