Walk Off The Earth is an unconventional, multi-talented five-piece musical phenomenon that is currently taking the world by storm. Based in Burlington, Ontario, their brilliant five-people-playing-one-guitar interpretation of Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used To Know” exploded on YouTube garnering well over 35 million views in less than 2 weeks. Their latest hit, “Fire In My Soul” was certified gold in Canada and was released via Universal Music Canada. The band, currently on tour in the U.S., most recently did a 30-day world tour making stops in North America, Europe and Australia. They released a self-produced short film titled 'Taekwondo' and accompanying EP titled Taekwondo: The Soundtrack. In their lighthearted nature, the band tells the story of a young romantic in pursuit of the girl of his dreams while learning the skills of self-defense in preparation for a showdown with ninjas. Both the short film and EP were produced by Walk Off The Earth.
Walk Off The Earth
This event date has passed.
Mon. Feb 24th, 2020
7:30pm – 10pm
- Location
- Walker Theatre
399 McCallie Avenue
Chattanooga, TN (Map)
- Price
- $44.50, $54.50
- Online
- Website • Get Tickets
- Contact
- (423) 642-TIXS
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