Customize your tote with hand embroidery!
In this class, you'll learn a few basic stitches to get you going, and then choose from workshop exclusive patterns to put a personal touch on your favorite tote.
This workshop is open to stitchers of all levels!
Supplies: Please bring your own tote bag or you can purchase one from the teacher. All other supplies included.
About the teacher:
Amanda Banks began discovering and practicing hand embroidery in the Spring of 2017. At the time, she was apprenticing on a permaculture farm 40 minutes from the nearest town. Her chores usually ended around noon...with an afternoon of rain left over each day... so she used her limited amount of internet access to watch a few videos and read blog tutorials, made a trip to Joann's, and began stitching. Amanda's first piece was inspired by her aunt, who is an artist and master crafter in her own right...just as Amanda's grandmother was. Her grandmother hand stitched quilts for everyone of her children and grandchildren. All original, hand cut, measured, meticulously hand stitched and infused with love. These women, as well as Amanda's mother, have all inspired her to explore the creativity within herself. From the way they can make food with such feeling to the individual stitches in the numerous quilts to the plants and people that thrive under their care.
From the teacher: "fibrrous is me. Reaching into and outside of myself. Working to make the colorful ideas and feelings into tangible, three dinensional objects. fibrrous is an observation of the world around me, a means of physical and emotional expression, a therapeutic practice, the way I can most fully express my creative visions."