Calling all adults!

Immerse yourself in Spanish and share a delicious meal with the Language South team, a weeklong Spanish immersion camp for youth. You’ll add some fresh fire to your Spanish learning whether you’re diving in for the first time or taking your current Spanish to the next level. You’ll dine with us, speak and listen to lots of Spanish, and engage in a fun Spanish activity. Language South counselors spend a week training for camp, and they’ll practice their counselor Spanish skills with you that night, creating an immersion environment that inspires you to be lifelong learners and lovers of languages and cultures.


Entrée: Pollo Pibil with roasted carrots and broccoli, quick pickled cabbage, and rice or vegetarian option of marinated pressed soy pibil. Pollo Pibil is a dish from the Yucatán peninsula region of Mexico originating from techniques developed by the Mayan culture.

Dessert: ChocoTorta: An Argentinian layered cake dessert made with chocolate cookies, crumbled and pressed into cream cheese with fresh brewed coffee and dulce de leche.