Feeling anxious? Depressed? Stressed? Lacking clarity about who you are and what you want? Don't know how to let go of trauma or self-imposed beliefs holding you back from reaching your potential and feeling fulfilled? Or does everything in life right now just feel like an uphill battle? Or just want to feel more alive and fully present in the moment?

Typically, in the United States, we might respond to these types of feelings, our intergenerational trauma and various emotional blockages with talking to a therapist over months or years who, hopefully, can guide us to embracing more empowering perspectives that alleviate our pain. Self-help books also are becoming increasingly popular, leading us to think that we can "think" our way to self-healing. Others resort to medication, escapism, or worse — denial which in turn equates to stagnated personal growth or even self-destructive behavior.

In this presentation, we'll discuss why indigenous plant-based medicines, like Ayahuasca found in the Amazon to the San Pedro cactus found in the Andes mountains of South America, have helped people for thousands of years transcend ego to find inner peace and clarity in a fraction of the time we are usually lead to believe is required.

Additionally, we'll discuss how to go about researching safe and legitimate ceremonial ayahuasca experiences — as well as share a personal account of one of the top-rated 10-day ayahuasca retreats in South America just outside of Medellín, Colombia.

If you've ever heard about Ayahuasca, San Pedro cactus, or other sacred plants and are interested in learning more about indigenous medicines and the importance of keeping them from going extinct, this class is for you.