The Terpsichord Spring Concert takes a look back as well as forward. Appropriately titled 180°, the show begins with an homage to the mother of modern dance, Isadora Duncan (1877-1927), and ends with a modern work of jazz. In between, dances are set to music ranging from Macklemore to the indie folk band Bon Iver.
“The concert title comes from the idea of the show’s opening and closing acts, which are totally different,” says Terpsichord President Carson Thatcher ’19. “We came up with the idea of going half of a circle, or 180 degrees, to something entirely different by the end of the concert.”
To read more about the concert, visit
March 1 & 2 | 7 p.m.
GPS Frierson Theatre
Free Admission
GPS Terpsichord Spring Concert | 180°
This event date has passed.
Fri. Mar 1st, 2019
7pm – 9pm
- Location
- Girls Preparatory School
205 Island Ave
Chattanooga, TN (Map)
- Price
- Online
- Website
- Contact
- (423) 634-7600
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