More people have chronic disease and use prescription medication than at any time in U.S. history. However, this can be changed through lifestyle and diet Author Rena Ayyelina will teach about the possibility of optimal health by examining the lifestyle and diet in a tiny village in Greece as observed by her 50 years ago.
Mrs. Ayyelina and her family immigrated to the United States when she was eleven years old. Her first introduction to nutrition and its relationship to health and well-being was through her village of Lafka, Korinthias. While living in America, Mrs. Ayyelina ate the typical American diet for 13 years due to living in a restaurant environment. As an adult, she started making radical changes in her diet while carrying her first child to ensure proper nutrition for her baby. She continued to make improvements to her cooking methods and food selections to improve her family’s nutrition and also began educating friends and relatives that were willing to hear the relationship between nutrition and well-being.