Do you lack clarity and direction in what your creative purpose is in the world? Have you brought your inspired ideas to realization or are they still on the back burner? Maybe you’ve forgotten all about those dreams, wants and desires for your life because you didn’t believe they were possible.
We have great ideas all the time as we are born creators, inventors and dreamers. It is in our DNA to create a happy life with everything we want in it! So, why do some people realize their desires and some do not? Because within the creative process there is the “brick wall of frustration.”
Join this empowering class to discover what desires you want to take from “great idea” to “Success.” Discover how to navigate the six stages of the creative process using tools of creative insight to align you with the realization of your desire. Are you ready go the distance and reach for the best within you?
Ask yourself, “What would it feel like to live my life’s creative purpose?”
You will receive insight for life tools and engage in interactive experiential exercises to support your journey of self-discovery. During this class you will:
Take a journey of inquiry to get crystal clear on creating the life experience that you really want by asking powerful questions.
Learn the six stages of the Creative Process and the tools that will bring you the clarity you need to move through each stage with success.
Learn what it is like to experience the Creative Process with ease, great energy and enjoyment as you move through creative cycle, landing at your final destination of celebration.
Create a “new” story for your creative purpose--one that envisions the success of your dreams and inspires you to go the distance.