Anna Park, Nativity Rising Artist for June, plays selections from Bach’s Cello Suite No. 3 and Camille Saint-Saëns’s Prière (“Prayer”) for cello and organ, Op. 158. This performance is part of Nativity’s monthly Rising Artists series that features Chattanooga’s most accomplished young musicians playing works for solo instruments and organ. Nativity also presents a Mini-Concert series with organist and music director Kristopher Schwinn.

Anna Park is a senior Music Education major with Cello Concentration at Southern Adventist University. She began playing the violin when she was only four years old and also studied piano and flute before focusing on cello in middle school. Anna was co-principal and then principal cellist of the Gwinnett County Youth Symphony and also a member of the Emory-YSO. She began her music degree at the University of Georgia before transferring to SAU where she is Assistant Principal Cello of the SAU-SO. Currently, she studies with adjunct instructor David Peyton, a cellist in the Greenville-SO and theory professor at Lee University. Anna has traveled extensively to Asia, Africa and South America as a music minister. After graduation, she plans to pursue graduate degrees in conducting or special education.

PLEASE NOTE: This free performance takes place during the worship service. Childcare is provided.