The artwork created by participants of La Paz Chattanooga's Entre Nosotras program will be on exhibit, along with pieces from Chattanooga Latino artists, at the Association of Visual Arts (AVA) gallery on Frazier Avenue from March 4 to April 8.

Entre Nosotras, translated as Among Us Women, is a program created in 2009 with the goal of providing a safe space for women of Latino heritage to gather, celebrate, and support one another. Art is utilized as part of this program as a therapeutic tool for Latino women to release their anxieties about some of life's challenges, express their creativity, and celebrate their Latino cultural backgrounds. The program is directed by Melody Bonilla, the Client Services Director at La Paz Chattanooga.

The arts component of the program, including the pieces being displayed at AVA, is the result of a special collaboration with local artist, Olga de Klein, and was funded in-part through a partnership with ArtsBuild of Chattanooga.

Also, on display in the Landis Gallery will be works by Chattanooga State students.