About the Class:

Are you considering cloth diapering but aren’t sure where to start? The process can be daunting at first, especially if you don’t understand the lingo, type of diapers, accessories and everything else involved. The advantages of cloth diapers vs. disposable are numerous, but learning how to navigate the world of cloth diapering correctly is hard.

This class will teach you everything you need to know about cloth diapers and give you a chance to practice cloth diapering. Babies and children are welcome.

About the Teachers:

Megan Clark is a happily married mother of two young girls ages 2.5 and 7 months. She is also a registered nurse and work in critical care at a local hospital. Since having children, she’s taken a hard look at the products and items she uses in her home. Not only does she want to use the best products for her family, but for the environment as well! Along with cloth diapering, she’s made conscious efforts to decrease paper product usage, select more natural personal care items, and select smarter food items for her family.

As a father of 5 kids ages 8 and under, Jason Mitchell has changed a few diapers in the last decade. Jason and his wife, Katie, enjoy taking tea together after the little ones are in bed. Jason started Wee Care Diaper Service in 2012 with 2 other friends in an effort to serve families in the Chattanooga area with the healthy diapering alternative of cloth.