This is not a board of directors or an advisory board. It’s a creative exercise that allows an entrepreneur to visualize their goals and future successes. Vision is vital to accomplishing goals - before you do it, you have to see it. This impactful process will revolutionize your ability to bring your goals to life and allow you to put your “forecast” for 2016 on paper in a creative way! Putting your ideas on paper is the first step. So let’s grab some poster board, scissors, shred up some magazines, and have a blast working on this project together!
What you'll need to bring:
- Old Magazines
- Scissors
- Your ideas!
We'll supply:
- Magazines
- Glue
- Poster Board
- Anything else we can think of!
This class is part of a monthly partnership between The Chattery and LAUNCH to educate entrepreneurs and businesses.