Back Alley Productions is seeking talented actors for traveling production of “Macbeth” Something wicked is coming to the Chattanooga and Northwest Georgia area this summer when Back Alley Productions travels throughout the region to perform William Shakespeare’s tragedy “Macbeth.” The production company is seeking talented actors ages of 13 and up to bring the production to life and fill more than twenty roles. Previous experience is not required. Auditions are set for April 4 and 5 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Back Alley Scene Shop, located at 1601 Gulf St. in Chattanooga. A weekly rehearsal schedule will be Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings 6:30pm in the same location.

Performance dates will begin June 6th and continue each weekend in June, till closing June 29th. "We are trying something new this year, modeling our performances after many of the 'Shakespeare in the Park' campaigns we've seen in other areas," said Back Alley's producer and director Kaylee Smith. Macbeth, known to theatre goers as 'The Scottish Play' since its dreadful bad luck to mention it in a theatre, is one of my all time favorite tales of the Bard," Smith said, "Last year we did Romeo and Juliet at Ringgold's Colonnade stage and saw a great outpouring of both actors and audiences wanting to see and perform Shakespeare. So our goal this year is to see if we can reach out to people who may not have had the opportunity to experience Shakespeare. We hope to attract actors both new and seasoned in the community who are curious about doing Shakespeare but do not get a lot of opportunities to perform it in its classical form. Don't let it intimidate you, it is so much fun to watch and perform.

For more information you can contact the director at 706-621-2870
or Email at