This energetic style of T'ai Ji forms focuses on powerfully moving the qi(energy) through our body systems. Incorporating the Chinese calligraphy of the moves, the poetic & philosophic roots of T'ai Ji and utilizing inspiring music, this class will firmly establish a strong root and a pathway for learning T'ai Ji for the beginner and it will provide an experienced student deep insights on their on going learning path. Through the practice of Living Tao forms, we learn how to creatively circulate the qi(energy) around and within us, releasing stress, revitalizing internal organs and refreshing the mind as we "dance" our T'ai Ji. (T'ai Ji Teacher Certification Credits Available)

Christopher Campbell is the T'ai Ji Training Program Coordinator & a teacher for the Seminars in Gold Beach Oregon for Master Chungliang Al Huang and the Living Tao Foundation, He has twenty five years of study & practice in T'ai Ji and Chinese related arts of philosophy, calligraphy and poetry. It has been his study with Master Chungliang Al Huang that opened his T'ài Jí practice to be more than a set of slow old moves, into a vibrant qì-filled dance of life! Chris travels across the country and internationally sharing this positive message through classes, seminars, workshops & retreats, helping people be free in their T'ài Jí movement and how to access the unlimited power of qì that surrounds them. Bringing out the natural & balanced movement within through the 'meditation in movement' exercise of T'ai Ji.