Featuring the top nationally touring comedians like you see on HBO, Comedy Central and Late Night TV! This weekend we host comedians Steve Sabo & Jason Dixie.
Friday (6/29): 9:30pm
Saturday (6/30): 10:30pm
Limited Seating! Get your tickets today at or call our Box-Office: 423.266-6202
Headline Comedian Steve Sabo:
A veteran of the club circuit for over 10 years, STEVE has woven an intricate web of humor that has garnered him thousands of fans from coast-to-coast. His razor-sharp wit will grab you by the throat and won’t let go until you are blue-in-the-face with laughter -- and gasping for more!
You’ve NEVER laughed as hard as you will at a STEVE SABO show.
Feature Comedian Jason Dixie:
Jason Dixie is a rubber-faced comic who is a breath of fresh air. He has appeared in one of the most controversial and critically accalimed films of the decade, "In the Company of Men."
Prince of self-deprecating and inspired physical comedy, Jason is a comical delight to a wide variety of audiences.